Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 3 "Smokey and the Bandit"

Episode 3 (Smokey and the Bandit) of Dexter truly redeemed the previous two episodes. Tons of inconsistencies and flaws were redeemed by the once again phenomenal writing. 
I was upset that Deborah and Quinn ended up breaking up. They seemed like such an awesome couple, but things became interesting when Deb took the position of Lieutenant and became Quinn’s boss. The awkward tension is almost tangible and makes very interesting situations. Also, I was furious about LaGuerta and Batista getting a divorce so early, but once again, the writers prevailed and created a glorious rivalry. Even after Deb “took” Batista’s job, they are on good terms. Unofficial sides have been taken and the teams are Deb and Batista vs. Quinn and LaGuerta. Both teams have their partner’s backs and hate their former lovers. 
One of my favorite parts of this rivalry was when LaGuerta was trying to persuade Deb to hire someone. After some convincing from Batista, Deb stood up to LaGuerta and hired who she thought was best. This reemphasized that the characters are changing over the course of the show. In season 1, Deb would have been way to afraid to stand up to her boss.
Adding Walter Kenney was a great idea for the show. For this episode, it felt like we were reliving season 4 with the Trinity Killer. This is because The Tooth Fairy (Walter Kenney) had been killing for years and was now confronting Dexter. For once, the writers changed up Dexter’s ritual and made Kenney want to be with Dexter instead of Dexter stalking him under the radar. Brilliant and inventive!
Kenney keeps trophies of women’s teeth in a box, very similar to Dexter’s blood slides. When Dexter see’s the box of teeth, he questions his own mortality and says, “Is this what happens to serial killers at the end of their lives?”  Dexter later realizes that all life ends in death and even the greatest people can end up as worthless old men. I’m beginning to sense a bit of foreshadowing in this scene.  This could mean two different things: either Dexter gets caught or killed at the end of the season, or he dies a worthless old man. Another scene that hints at this is the final one where Dexter drops his box of slides and loses his sense of order.
Kenney’s death was another change of pace for the show. Dexter decided to take away the Tooth Fairy’s legacy and forcing him to die as an ordinary old man by forcing him into cardiac arrest.
The Doomsday killers are becoming more and more similar to Dexter.  Both killers kill for a higher calling (Dexter and his Dark Passenger along with the Doomsday killers and God.) These similarities are popping up everywhere and I don’t yet understand the connections between the two groups.
Masuka’s new intern started out as “just another hot girl” on the show but quickly became more than that when she showed her obsessiveness over the Ice Truck Killer. She is now very interesting because she stole the prosthetic hand from the first season!
There were some awkward and poorly constructed shots within the episode but things like that happen. Colin Hank’s acting is terrible and I’m sad that it probably won’t be getting better. Also, I was lost for a second between Dexter’s car crash with Kenney and the kill room. I wish there would have been  a slight transitional scene there. Finally, the nudity was a huge shock to me because we haven’t seen anything that graphic in a long time. However, it was very important because it showed Quinn’s lack of interest in the girl and he was probably missing Deb.
Overall, it was a wonderful episode and I’m very excited for more!

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