Thursday, October 20, 2011

In Bruges

          I saw In Bruges a few years ago and never appreciated it until now. It is one of those movies that is funny every time you watch it due to the phenomenal screenplay written by Martin McDonagh. This black comedy film starring Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, and Ralph Fiennes portrays an different look at the life of a hitman. 
For each actor, this is my favorite role that they have played. Everyone seemed to flawlessly embody the persona of the character and deliver it to the audience with intense emotion.  Farrell especially does a brilliant job. His crying scenes have the perfect amount of sobbing and heartbreak to them. I personally felt terrible for Ray which is all because of Colin’s acting. This role of his has made me respect him much more and has convinced me that he has great talent.
Other than the phenomenal acting, the dialogue is absolutely captivating. Ray (Farrell) and Ken (Gleeson) have a confusing relationship. At times, they seem like best friends, sometimes enemies, but usually I think that Ken acts like a father figure to Ray. He stops Ray from committing suicide, and comforts him in his depression. In the end, Ken even sacrifices himself in order to inform Ray of Harry’s arrival. The dialogue between Ray and Ken is sensational, hilarious, and very quotable.
The story is extremely well written as well. The tension of having to kill your friend  is almost unnerving in some scenes (especially the suicide one). All of the symbolism between Bruges and The Last Judgement is very well done. The final scene between Harry and Ray symbolizes this painting because of the creepy looking people dressed in masks for the film production.  After re-watching the movie, I realized that Bruges symbolizes Heaven, Hell and Purgatory for the 3 separate characters. For Ken, Bruges is Heaven. He is in love with the architecture, history, and feel of Bruges. When he dies, I like to think that he went to heaven only because of his love for the city. Ray on the other hand hates Bruges. The people, seeing the sights, and his current circumstances only make him hate the city more. On his deathbed, he thinks that maybe Hell is actually Bruges. It is at this point that for the first time, he wants to live. Harry on the other hand loved Bruges as a child but never got to come back and see it. He comes to Bruges for revenge and doesn’t even care about the city or its beauty. Simply there to murder Ray and Ken, he has very few opinions of the city while he is actually in it.
The soundtrack to the movie is unbelievable. It is all relaxing piano music that makes me feel calm and peaceful. It makes me think of Bruges and its beauty which adds to both the movie and music.
As a writer and critic, I should probably find something bad to say about In Bruges in order to keep a more level opinion, but I honest can’t find anything. In Bruges is now one of my favorite movies that I will be enthralled by for years to come.

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