Monday, October 10, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 1 "Those Kinds of Things"

Ok... so it wasn't the most mind blowing 1st episode of Dexter, but it was wonderful nonetheless. 

The high school reunion was very creative on the writers parts. Although I feel uneasy about how quickly Dexter accepted that blow job. He's rarely been sexually focused and this just didn't fit. Season 1 he was timid with Rita, season 2 he went crazy for Lila, but 3, 4, and 5 he was calm. 3 and 4 was regular sex with Rita and in season 5, he only had sex with Lumen after they were "dating." It just seemed odd... although it proved useful because he was able to grab her phone (which was not the smartest because if the cops found the body, they would trace his texts, find Trisha, question her, and she would point the finger at Dexter. So in that sense... not too smart.)

I was totally surprised by Quinn thinking about proposing. I mostly find it dumb that the writers ended season 5 with them starting a healthy relationship and opening the next episode with a near proposal. Things have been left out and I feel that the viewers need more in between time for the relationship to truly come together. As viewers, we did just get over Quinn being an asshole to Dex. He went from a character we were annoyed and frustrated with to a boyfriend, almost fiancé who were supposed to care about in 6? episodes?

I feel the same way with Batista and LaGuerta. They're divorce was unannounced, not explained and simply dumb. I loved them as a couple and in the end of The Big One, (Season 5 episode 12) they agreed that they would give their relationship another shot. What are the writers thinking?  Its the same thing as before. We become used to a new personality in a character than they change it in a heartbeat. 

Matsuka would have hired the babe for sure... or at least made some more jokes about the situation.

The murders and religious plot line are brilliant. Most seasons so far have developed and tested Dexter's sexual relationships. Rita, Lila, and Lumen all show this. Its nice to get away from that and focus something that many people can relate to. Everyone has a stance on religion and its good to know Dexter's. I'm hoping it will change due to the radical nature of the killers this season, and Dexter's nonchalantness about the subject. Its almost as if were seeing a new side of Dexter. 

Every season so far, the killer's identity has remained a secret to the audience which has created the mystery and intrigue. The trinity killer was an exception but that mystery was replaced by the suspense of Arthur and Dexter becoming "friends." I am interested how the writers will keep the show fresh and unique this season. I do not know how they will make the show more intense. It better be good.

One of my favorite parts was the quick shot of the blood red moon. In Darkly Dreaming Dexter, (the first book) it opens and closes with the glowing of the red moon symbolizing the Dark Passenger urging Dexter to kill again. I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've seen the red moon in the series. I'm not to sure. Maybe its a sign of the beginning of the first season. Or maybe its showing the end of the glorious series.

Overall: After watching this episode and finding all of the inconsistencies within the story, I am starting the think that the best days of Dexter are behind us. Don't get me wrong... I'm a fan til the end and as fitting as it is for this season, "I have faith" that it will get better. The fact is that after this season, the actors' contracts will be up and they will probably want a raise due to the widespread success of the show. This could cause more plot holes and we could lose some characters.

It always has and always remain my favorite show.


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