Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 4 "Horse of a Different Color"

Within the first few scenes of Dexter S06E04 “A Horse of A Different Color,” I realized that this season is going to be incredible
Mike Anderson (Deb’s new choice to fill her Detective position) is an undeniably great addition to Miami Metro.  While analyzing the four horses crime scene, he realizes that this murder is a showing of the end of times. The four horsemen represent the four horsemen of the apocalypse that are mentioned in the book of Revelation. Along with this, he correctly analyzes the snakes killing. With these skills, he will easily succeed in Miami Metro.
In the four horsemen murder, the fake body parts were highly detailed and well constructed. It is these small details that subconsciously convince the viewer that what is happening is real. 
In the beginning of the episode, LaGuerta was very moody when talking to Matthews about Deborah. Later, when talking to Deb, LaGuerta was pleasant, understanding, and helpful. Why did she have this sudden change of heart? Was it something not shown on screen? Either way, it didn’t seem like she was being herself because since season one, she has hated Deb.
Travis seems like he’s becoming a liability to Prof. Gellar. When preparing to kill the victim for the four horsemen, it seemed like he was questioning his actions. From previous experiences, we see that he is also very emotional. Instead of leaving his sister to prepare for a kill, Travis stayed with her all night. Also, he fell in love with a girl, took her on a date, than took her back to his place and slept with her. Prof. Gellar is becoming frustrated and I can sense that Gellar is thinking of getting rid of Travis.
Furthermore, Travis has got to be one of the dumbest serial killers alive. First, he brought the girl he liked home with him. When he was sleeping with her, he didn’t close the door to his room, allowing Prof. Gellar to watch the act. This caused her to become the next victim. What on earth was Travis thinking? Did he really think he could get away with it? Did he think that Prof. Gellar wouldn’t care? Second, Travis stood at the crime scene for the “angel of death” victim. This is probably the easiest way to get caught. It happened to Dexter in season three when he killed Fred “Freebo” Bowman, and Christine Hill (Trinity’s daughter) in season four. Luckily, Dexter spotted Travis and sensed a Dark Passenger within him so our problems with Travis should end soon.
The writers seem to be focusing on the story instead of only murders. This instills a deeper connection between the viewer and the characters. This connection provides a more emotional experience and can easily lead to a more satisfying show. 
I am happy that Dexter is slowly relying on his friendships instead of Harry’s ghost. These true friendships are more entertaining to watch and they usually accomplish more than Harry’s harsh critiques of Dexter’s life. Also, it seems like Dexter is starting to replace Harry with God. One of my favorite quotes of the episode was when Harry said, “Hey no judgement, you already talk to an imaginary father figure.” After four weeks of waiting, someone finally mentions Astor and Cody. Dexter’s step children have been series regulars and were given a very small role in seasons five and six. Hopefully they will make an appearance soon.
The writers are also making the other characters “break out of their shells.” Masuka finally shows some morals when he becomes furious over his intern stealing evidence and selling it. Batista also smoked some weed with Quinn, which was interesting and amusing.
Brother Sam is turning into a wonderful character. He is the only person who understands Dexter and can also help him. Strangely, Dexter is submitting to Sam and is tolerating his religious views. Dexter even prays for the first time because of Brother Sam. 
Based on what I have seen so far in season six, there seems to be an imaginary religious/morality scale. Prof. Gellar and Travis are on the far left side. They take the Bible, and twist it to meet their own apocalyptic views in order to justify their murderous decisions. On the far right side is Brother Sam, who accepts people for who they are as he tries to help them. While being influenced by both sides, Dexter is in the middle, trying to decide what path to choose. Luckily, everyone on this scale has murder in common. Prof. Gellar, Travis, and Dexter are all serial killers who answer to an inner calling, while Brother Sam witnessed a murder at a young age and entered into the criminal world (also like Dexter).
In this season, Dexter has acknowledged the fact that he will get caught at some point. He now only worries about how it will effect Deb, Harrison, and his coworkers.
The “angel of death” kill is by far the best kill I have ever seen in Dexter. It was highly creative, absolutely repulsive, and highly controversial.  For once, Miami Metro witnesses and causes the victim’s death. The Doomsday killers are once again creating an interaction with society just like they did with the four horses.
So excited for the new episode. Waiting is becoming unbearable!

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