Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 5 "Angel of Death"

          Once again, the writers produced a wonderful episode. Even though there wasn’t very much action, it remained interesting because it was filled with character and plot development. I feel like the entire episode is building up for a large climax later on.
I am absolutely loving the plot line of the Doomsday killers because many of the topics are relevant to real life.  Many people view Christians as a little crazy, judgmental, and hypocritical. This is easily displayed by Prof. Gellar. He twists the facts of the Bible to suit his own murderous desires. Seeing himself as above the rest of society, he judges those below him and is dedicated for “God to speak through him and teach them a lesson.” Even though he claims his actions to be “God’s will,” he fails to see that he is breaking one of the ten commandments. 
On the other hand, Brother Sam is portrayed as the Christian that everybody should be like.  Years ago, Sam fell deep into a criminal life. While attempting to murder a man in a prison chapel, he felt God speak to him and he chose to turn his life around and become a minister.  Because he has led both a criminal and a spiritual life, Brother Sam understands various types of people and can successfully connect to people such as Dexter. 
Masuka’s morals are finally showing through when he fired his last intern. The new guy he hired feels right for the show. He’s smart, witty, a bit of a nerd, but lovable.
I feel like the countdown to the end of the world that Miami Metro is theorizing about is giving a hint of foreshadowing towards Dexter’s demise.
I feel like everybody is secretly hoping that Deb and Quinn get back together.  They’ve been so cute recently and would make a cute permanent couple, just as Batista and LaGuerta did.  Than the writers ruined that and made them break up.
Prof. Gellar keeps on repeating the phrase “thats why you’ve been chosen” to Travis a lot. I’m secretly thinking that he will be one of Gellar’s victims. Or maybe there is some other significance in that statement.  
Once again, I’m glad that Dexter seems to have found a true friend. Brother Sam really cares for Dexter in a way that Brian, Lila, and Miguel could never do. Hopefully he won’t be a guest star and will return for season 7 (if it happens).  Sadly, halfway through the episode I wrote down, “I love Brother Sam... that’s why I think he will die.” It seems that I may have been right. Him getting shot 3 times in the end of the episode seems to hint at his oncoming death, but I’m praying he won’t.
It is because of Brother Sam that Dexter goes over his pre-season one history. This hasn’t been done in a while and it was nice to hear it all again. Also, Sam helps Dexter realize that he may have a light passenger to fight his dark one. I’m absolutely loving Dexter’s character development in this season.
I think that this season is better than season 5, and for that I am very grateful. I love talking about Dexter so PLEASE share some thoughts.

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