Friday, November 11, 2011

House M.D. Season 8 Episode 5 "The Confession"

          I’m glad that Taub and Chase are back but I am not exactly thrilled about them being back.  While bringing them back onto the show may add for some interesting scenarios, the drama from the previous seasons comes with.  I loved how this season seemed like a whole new show with Cuddy and the rest of House’s team gone. It seems like that was only temporary.   
          Luckily, there seems to be good chemistry between Adams and Chase. Maybe they will end up together like Chase and Cameron.  
          One thing that this episode does incredibly well is the tension between House and Taub.  Every time House tries to get Taub’s DNA, he fails but than makes his plans more elaborate.  Starting a betting pool in the hospital about the legitimacy of Taub’s children is cruel, unprofessional, and absolutely hilarious. This is why I hope the show never ends. 
          I would have to say that one of the most meaningful moments in this show happened in this episode. While at the newly installed mini-bar in his office, House confronts Adams about the truths in this world. After Adams says, “Maybe if everyone didn’t lie,” House steps onto his soapbox and delivers a wonderful speech.
"Aw that is cute. I’m talking about your breasts. They always get perky when your being painfully earnest. Truth. It’s uncomfortable isn’t it?  More truth. I only noticed because I noticed Chase was staring at them. He’d never admit it because he doesn’t want to offend you.  Same reason he’d never tell you he’s thought about having sex with you.  Although to be fair, every man you’ve ever met has thought about having sex with you.  They’ll lie because if you knew, you wouldn’t want to have sex with them. And thats just some of the lies from the last minute. And here’s a bigger one. You already know this, but you pretend you don’t because it makes you feel civilized.  Most people find it easier to ignore the truth, ask Taub."
Brutal honesty can come across as being rude, but I find it very interesting. With this statement, House shows the humor and reality behind what people are actually thinking. The whole time, he is making guesses, but the surprising thing is that he is right.  It is for this reason that I am absolutely in love with the Sherlock Holmes / Greg House character.   
          I really loved this episode, but I didn’t understand the ending at all. I would love to hear people’s opinions about it.

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