Sunday, November 20, 2011

House M.D. Season 8 Episode 6 "Parents"

          While this is probably the most boring episode of the season, it has some of the deepest values. The story revolves around familial problems and what it means to be a good parent (which House says is an oxymoron).
          I loved the familial background stories of each of the characters within this episode. Probably my favorite one is Chase’s. He explains that his mother locked him in his fathers study while she would drink because she couldn’t handle him. After a while of crying and banging on the door, he had to find something else to do so he read books on medicine. This horrible memory created his love for medicine and started his career.  He simply states, “We all have family disfunction. Its why were successful, to fill that hole.” Strangely, I find this comforting because it reassures me that every family has their problems and that I am not alone with mine.  
          At the end of the scene, I was surprised to find that Chase called House so that he could hear Adams “open up” about her background. To my disappointment, she somehow figured this out and foiled Chase’s attempts. I don’t exactly understand why Chase is helping House. Hopefully this will be explained later.
          I did not see the biological dad sexually molesting the son. This gave the son syphilis which caused all of his problems. That was definitely a unique diagnosis and an interesting ending to the rather boring episode.
          Adams seems to be the only person on the show that always see’s through House and his maniacal plans. Wilson on the other hand, was not so lucky and was conned out of his ring-side seats by House and Foreman. 
          Being a college student trying to find my place in life, I found the following quote comforting. “Following your heart is easy, following your brain is tough.” Many of the things I love, I am terrible at but sometimes, you have to make sacrifices in order to be successful. I overheard a speech relating to this topic recently from the singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour, Corey Taylor.  He was asked by Oxford University to speak on campus and delivered a phenomenal speech about how to choose a path to follow.

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