Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bones Season 7 Episode 1 "The Memories in the Shallow Grave"

          After watching the Bones season 7 premiere, I have come to the conclusion that this season will be highly complicated. With Dr. Brennan pregnant with Booth’s baby, the series will be taking an unusual turn down a path that has not been explored. The previous season was slowly developing the emotional and sexual relationship between Bones and Booth, but I felt that these developments stopped when Bones rejected Booth’s dating proposal. Despite this awkward circumstance, they slept together and Dr. Brennan was found to be pregnant.  
          The writing in the past 2 episodes has been sloppy, forced, and very confusing. When Bones revealed she was pregnant, I was extremely confused and upset because the scene where the couple slept together was filled with crying and comforting, not passion and sexual tension. While sex may have been vaguely implied, I feel that most viewers may not have felt convinced that sex actually took place.
          While Hodgins and Angela’s baby was born, Brennan and Booth have been developing a more romantic relationship. Within 3 episodes, the pair has gone from being emotionally distant to kissing, walking around naked, and having a baby. As viewers, we have watched 6 seasons without seeing any sort of major developments. The writers somehow decide that it is time to unload all of the tension into two episodes.   I feel like the show has become so mundane that the writers felt it was time to make the characters to things that are out of their nature. 
          Maybe the show taking a new direction is a good thing.  I would love to know what other people think of this.  


    Si tienes razón y si es bueno que estén juntos, pero seria muy bueno ver exactamente como pasaron las cosas y que no pareciera que Brennan quedo embarazada de la noche a la mañana.
    Claro que hay que decir que los escritores de BONES siempre nos han dejado la mayoría de datos importantes a la imaginación.

    If you are right and if it's good to be together, but would be nice to see exactly how things happened and did not seem to get pregnant from Brennan overnight.
    Of course I must say that the writers of Bones have always left the most important data to the imagination.

  2. I totally agree. Luckily, this is one of my first complaints about the show... and we're on season 7!!! I know this season will be very entertaining and engaging for the audience. Thanks a ton for your insight!
