Monday, November 14, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 7 "Nebraska"

          Wow. Each episode this seasons continues to top the last. With Brian Moser (Christian Camargo) back in the show, my excitement has skyrocketed. I am absolutely ecstatic because the writers included Brian and the Trinity killer.  I love it when they incorporate previous seasons like in seasons 4 and 5.
          After killing Nick (Brother Sam’s murderer) Brian shows up as the Dark Passenger.  This is the first time we have seen the physical presence of the Dark Passenger since season 1.  About halfway into the episode, I thought I wanted Brian (Christian Camargo) to be a series regular instead of a guest star. Although only a few minutes later I retracted that. Brian started out being the happy brother who was encouraging Dexter to kill innocent people, but later began trying to force Dexter into this decision.  At Dexter’s breaking point, he had random sex with a grocery store clerk, stole a gun, and went on a street sign shooting rampage.  It was a little bit over the top, but I’ve had bigger problems with the show.
          Prof. Gellar and Travis Marshall have been on the back burner in the last few episodes due to the problems occurring with Dexter and Brother Sam. Hopefully these next few episodes will show more of them. 
          I am very happy that the rivalries between LaGuerta, Quinn, Deb, and Batista are dissipating.  While Deb and Maria smoothed out a little, Deb and Quinn finally patched things up between them. I am still hoping that they end up back together because they were such a cute couple. Their characters seem to be written perfectly for them to be together.  
          I noticed a couple great camera shots throughout the episode. My favorite one was when Dexter is talking to the pot farmer and Brian stabs him with the pitchfork. The camera rotates behind the farmer and reveals Dexter holding the tool.  I thought this was scary because Dexter seemed to have almost no control over the situation. Brian (the Dark Passenger) quickly possessed Dexter’s body and took over. Normally, the Dark Passenger encourages and tempts Dexter, just like Jordan Chase in season 5.
          The situation with Jonah was extremely captivating and thought provoking. I assumed that Jonah didn’t take on the persona of Trinity due to his hatred of his father. Also, it seemed way to obvious. After watching the Dexter seasons repeatedly, I have managed to figure out how the writers work, and have realized that usually the first guess is the wrong one. I am still hoping that Dexter will somehow adopt Jonah into his life. Despite being a killer, I can see Jonah acting like Dexter’s son. At that point, Dexter would train and mentor him just as Harry did.
          I’m glad that Dexter’s rebellious streak has dissipated, and Harry is back in his life as the Light Passenger.
          Lewis (Masuka’s intern) seems to be getting even creepier. If you didn’t notice, Lewis managed to get into Dexter’s house with permission by going out with Jamie Batista.  I’m guessing he only did this to snoop around. Maybe he’s another apprentice of Prof. Gellar, maybe he’s in love, or maybe he’s just looking for a role model.  It doesn’t matter. Lewis is creepy.
          Great episode. The season is getting better and has already surpassed my rating of season 5. 
          What did you think of it?

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