Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 8 "Sin of Omission"

      One thing that I feel that the show Dexter has been missing recently is the close interaction between Dexter and Deborah. Since season 1, they have been very close and have shared mostly everything with each other. After Rita was killed, Dexter pulled away and their relationship has become even more distant since Deb became the Lieutenant.  To my displeasure, it only seems to be getting worse. Dexter keeps shutting Deb out of his life and Deb cannot take it. I am really hoping that they will get back on track because that is when the show seemed to be the best. Watching Deb in pain over her lost connection to Dexter is heartbreaking to say the least. All she has been trying to do this entire show is connect with people. All of her boyfriends are for a desire to connect because she cannot truly get this from Dexter. This being said, I would be very happy if Dexter opened up to Deb about his Dark Passenger and how he kills people. Not only would this bring them closer, but it would add complexity to their already confusing relationship.
          I must say that I am extremely disappointed that Brother Sam is out of the season so quickly. I know he died a few episodes ago but his funeral made me realize how much I actually miss him.  
          I don’t understand why, but Lewis is seeming a bit more like a creep. Usually the writers downplay something like this for a dramatic reveal in the final episodes.  
          I am actually enjoying the interactions between Dexter and Travis. Dexter has started reading the bible, something I am confused about but also proud of him for. By doing this, he is able to connect to Travis in a way he could not earlier. It would be interesting if they somehow teamed up against Gellar. Dexter seems to be taking on possible apprentices. Jonah who killed his mother, Travis who is in need of guidance, and Lewis who seems to be more of a stalker than an apprentice.
          Despite being Tom Hanks’ son, Colin still can’t act. The scene where he found out his sister was turned into the Whore of Babylon was very hard to watch. I have no idea why the casting crew chose Colin Hanks for the part of Travis Marshall but it was definitely a mistake.  So far, he has been the worst actor on the show, surpassing Julia Stiles.
          As Dexter wandered through the abandoned church where Gellar hides out, the tension became unbearable. For the first time in a while, Dexter donned his kill outfit and lurked in the dark. To add to the creepiness, Gellar saw Dexter come after him. Like a game of cat and mouse, the suspense built until the episode ended. It is this kind of cliffhanger that I have been waiting for all season. There are only 4 episodes left and so little time to answer all of my questions.

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