Monday, December 5, 2011

Dexter Season 6 Episode 10 "Ricochet Rabbit"

          Within the first few minutes of this episode, it is revealed to us that Travis has been the Doomday Killer all along.  This whole time, we thought that Professor Gellar was the one who was influencing Travis but we were misled. Travis stole a sword and gave it to Gellar which became the reason why Gellar was fired. Gellar thought that Travis was delusional and that he needed help. To prove that they are the chosen ones, Travis stabbed Gellar to show him that they cannot be hurt. Gellar obviously died and was turned into a subconscious projection in Travis’ mind. While the situation makes sense, it seems a bit funny. Travis stabs Gellar in the chest saying, “See you can’t die,” and than he dies. I wish that Gellar’s death would have been out of rage instead of an accident. Murdering Gellar over not accepting his beliefs seems to fit in with Travis’ psychotic personality.
          One of my favorite quotes of the episode is, “Travis’ dark passenger is apart of him. He can’t be saved from it any more than I can from mine.”  This statement broadens a great deal of Dexter’s motives. He thought he could get rid of Travis’ Dark Passenger by killing Gellar because Gellar seemed to be alive and manipulating him. Little did he know, that Travis’ Dark Passenger had already taken hold of him. I find these words quite depressing because it makes me feel like there is no hope for Dexter. He wants to be rid of his demons but finally realizes that it cannot happen. The closest he had gotten was with the help of Brother Sam, but with Sam dead, the Darkness has reemerged.
          While I am not sure why Deb was freaking out at the crime scene, I must say that I like it. One of the things I love in stories is unique character development and so far, Deb has been emotional, but very strong at work. The change seems subtile, but feels like it could lead to further positive development.
          I also loved the references to room 103 in the first season. This may be because the first season is my favorite, but I loved how Dexter referenced his past and emotionally connected to Deb for the first time in a while. I’m hoping their friendship will grow even farther. Once it get strong, Deb may finally find out Dexter’s secret.
          It seems strange that Dexter is throwing everything he has learned about religion out within one or two episodes. I feel like if he doesn’t go back to it, than my hopes for the season will be crushed. In every season, Dexter starts out living normally, learns somethings new and changes his behavior. Than by the beginning of the next season, he reverts back to his old ways. Season 1 was all about family and connecting to people. Season 2 was about his ritual and not getting caught. Season 3 was about friendship. Season 4 was about being a killer and a family man. Season 5 was about revenge and helping others. Finally, season 6 seems to be about faith. Very little of the themes intertwine between seasons which makes me sad. Looking back, Dexter is the virtually the same person he is in season 1. He kills because of his Dark Passenger, he can’t connect to Deb, and he wants to get rid of his need to kill. Nothing ever changes. The biggest change was obviously the death of Rita, but in the long run, everything is the same.
          One thing that I noticed within this episode is the clever cinematography used whenever Harry is in a scene. To give the feeling of Harry not being real, he is “transported” throughout a room. Here’s an example: When Dexter breaks into Holly’s house, Harry is behind Dexter, but as they enter the house, the camera pans to show Harry standing beside a closet inside the house. Finally, I noticed that Harry is rarely seen moving. He is always standing still, than seen standing somewhere else. This lack of movement also helps the viewer feel like Harry is a ghost or mental projection of Dexter.
          One of my favorite dialogue moments is when Deb is talking about the relationship between Travis and his sister. She says, “Its so weird. His sister seemed so convinced he was a good guy.” Dexter chimes in and replies, “Maybe she didn’t know.” Walking away, Deb concludes by saying, “Anything’s possible.” This conversation screams for attention because this is exactly what is going on between Dexter and Deb. I have a feeling that Deb may die because of the similarities between Dexter and Travis. This is the last thing I want, but it could happen.
          Along with this, I loved Dexter’s narration saying, “I AM the Bay Harbor Butcher!” It was comedic and quick witted. I was amazed that Dexter hated Lewis’ game idea of being a serial killer. For the first time, I feel like we have the perfect insight into his life. Dexter doesn’t want to be a killer, but is forced to by his Dark Passenger. He didn’t choose to be a serial killer and nobody else should be able to choose that either.   Lewis believes that the game is a “vicarious thrill,” but Dexter strongly disagrees. I think that Brother Sam and Christianity have finally taken hold of Dexter wether he likes it or not. Because Dexter rejected Lewis’ idea, I’m pretty sure something is going to go majorly wrong with Lewis. The fact that Lewis bailed on his plans with Jamie because he was upset provides evidence to my theory that Lewis was using his relationship with Jamie just to get close to Dexter.
          I found it fascinating that Dexter called the police for a greater cause, but what intrigues me more is that Batista’s life is on the line and that Worm Wood is going to be planted at Miami Metro Homicide. How this is going to be stopped, I don’t know. I’m hoping that Batista will survive because he is an amazing character with an infectious personality. The intensity is significantly increasing and is almost becoming unbearable.
          I would love to hear opinions and theories on what is going to happen so let me know what you think!


  1. I totally agree with your third to last paragraph saying something big will happen because of Dexter not liking Lewis' game idea. I also agree that he is using Jamie to get close with Dexter. I also agree with hoping Batista lives through this. I am not completely sure on what I think about Dexter calling the police yet. It seems like he is doing it to help catch Travis instead of killing him but I have a feeling it will actually do the opposite.
    One thing I am quite surprised you did not touch on was Deb finding out Matthews is involved in the murder of the woman. I'm curious to see if she decides to just drop the case now. Another thing I noticed that brings a question up is when Holly was first caught she described two guys in the church with her. How was there two people if Travis killed Gellar before that?

  2. For some reason, I forgot to mention the awkward situation between Deb and Matthews. I have some theories on what will happen but I felt like I was writing too much and nobody would read it if it got any longer so I left some things out.

    However, I researched your question about Holly in the church. Your answer takes place at the 20 minute mark of episode 7 "Nebraska." Holly said that the "younger guy kept calling the other one professor." She was blindfolded so she couldn't have seen anyone but assumed there were two people because of Travis talking to Gellar. I'm not sure how crazy Travis sounded, but Holly never heard Gellar speak. Holly also says that she THINKS the professor was the one who made her drink blood. This is VERY subtile and hard to catch the first time watching it because it is weaved into the conversation so discretely. Amazing job by the writers on this one. It seems a bit like a plot hole, but I feel that this scene answered your question. I am really happy you noticed this because I totally missed it.

