Friday, December 23, 2011

In Time

         While it may not be the best movie of the year, In Time was definitely worth watching. The film’s premise comes down to the saying “time is money.” People work for hours added to their life, and spend them on things like coffee and cars. While some live with only a day left showing on their arm, others live with centuries. Therein lies Will Salis’ (Justin Timberlake’s) goal: to reset the system and make everyone equal.
          Without a doubt, In Time has one of the greatest premises’ I have ever seen. Writer and director Andrew Niccol did a phenomenal job at turning a simple phrase into a full movie. He successfully created a world where people are constantly working to stay alive while others live without any fear. Along with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Stranger Than Fiction, In Time definitely has one of my favorite premise’s of all time.
          Before watching In Time, I was unsure of Justin Timberlake’s acting skills. I haven’t really seen him in anything big, and because he used to be in the band ‘Nsync, I assumed he wouldn’t be that great. However, I was pleasantly surprised by his performance and only noticed one time where his acting was poor. To his benefit, it was a crying scene which I imagine is the most difficult area within acting. 
          Also, I was enthralled by Cillian Murphy, who is one of my favorite actors. One of the reasons I enjoy his films is because of his versatility. Not only does he play a terrific villain like in Red Eye, Batman Begins, and In Time, but he also plays protagonists very well like in 28 Days Later, Sunshine, and Inception.
          Personally, I would not buy In Time, but I definitely do not regret watching it. If anything, I would recommend it as an enjoyable action movie that can be watched several times.

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